
Im Rafael and currently I'm a software engineer at Quorum .
When I was a kid around 2004 I started learning HTML, Photoshop and Flash. I remember that I also studied javascript and PHP, but I cant honestly say I remember anything.
Learning Action Script was not easy, specially since my english skills were basic null. But then I went to the University to study Physics and there I learned a lot about coding. Learned the basics of C++ and used a lot of FORTRAN to make scientific simulations and mathematical calculations.
Now I came back to javascript and things started to click a lot better. Coding is kinda fun.
This website
This is a page where I can try new stuff in a live environment. The previous version of this blog was made using Next, because React was the only thing I knew. Now I remade the page using Astro because its seemed like a really interesting tool.
I used the blog template AstroWind , which uses mdx to autogenerate pages. Every page feels like its loading instantaneously, probably due to the fact that they use so little javascript. And if there's the need for a more complex page I can easily use Svelte.
The design was made with the help of V0 , the IA from Vercel that does not use stolen content.